During this event Droit Comme un H ! was able to discuss about « How disability employment could be an asset for a better Law Firm / Legal Department management ? », with the testimonies of three H-ambassadors :
- ChiHae Chang, Tax Professional (KICPA) at PwC South Korea and H-ambassador
- Ines chaaba, Bar Student and H-ambassador
- Katleen CHANG, Università Bocconi Master Student and H-ambassador
- Stephane Baller, General Delegate of Droit Comme un H !, Lawyer - Of counsel and Promotor of strategy and development at De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés
This conference was the occasion to learn more about the Légal à Egal Program launched by Allen & Overy France in collaboration with the legal departments of major French and international groups, amongst which Bank of America, thanks to the participation of Hervé Ekué, Managing Partner of Allen & Overy France who gave an accurate overview of the program and how it helps in the inclusion of law students with disabilities into the legal professions.
Beyond their partnership in the Légal à Egal Program, Bank of America proved that they are strongly active concerning inclusion and diversity within their workplace, notably with the presentation of their support services and their Disability Action Network (DAN) thanks to :
- Cécile Bieder, France General Counsel
- Anne-sophie Saulnier, HR Executive France - SVP
- Lloyd Moore, Co-chair of Paris Disability Action Network
Droit comme un H !
Allen&Overy France
Bank of America